Delhi Hospital Bomb Threats: May 14, 2024

Delhi Hospital Bomb Threats: May 14, 2024

On May 14, 2024, a series of bomb threats targeted multiple hospitals in Delhi, India. These threats caused significant disruption and concern, prompting security measures and investigations. While no bombs were found, the incident highlights the ongoing issue of hoax threats and the need for vigilance.

Details of the Threat

Number of Hospitals

Reports indicate threats were received by at least 12 hospitals across Delhi. News sources mention names like Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital, Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI), GTB Hospital, Dada Dev Hospital, Hedgewar Hospital, among others.

Nature of Threat

The threats were reportedly delivered via email, with a common message stating the presence of explosive devices within the hospitals.

Source of Threat

The origin of the emails remains unknown. Authorities are investigating the source and the perpetrator(s) behind the hoax.

Response and Investigation

Police Action

The Delhi Police reacted swiftly upon receiving reports of the threats. Teams were dispatched to all affected hospitals to conduct thorough searches. Bomb disposal squads were also deployed to ensure safety.

Hospital Action

Hospitals took immediate precautions. Evacuation procedures were initiated in some cases, while others implemented heightened security measures. Operations were likely disrupted as staff and patients awaited the results of the searches.

Public Reaction

The news of the threats caused panic and anxiety among patients, staff, and the general public. Social media was abuzz with the news, further amplifying the concern.

Outcome and Aftermath

No Bombs Found

Thankfully, after extensive searches conducted by bomb disposal squads, no explosives were found in any of the threatened hospitals. The bomb threats were declared hoaxes.

Investigation Continues

Despite no immediate danger, authorities continue to investigate the source of the emails and the motive behind the threats. This includes tracing the email origin and identifying the perpetrator(s).


While no physical harm was caused, the bomb threats disrupted hospital operations, caused unnecessary panic, and wasted valuable resources.

Similarities to Previous Events

This incident follows a pattern of hoax bomb threats targeting public places in Delhi.

May 1st, 2024

Just two weeks prior, on May 1st, 2024, over 150 schools in Delhi, Noida, and Gurugram received similar bomb threats via email. These threats were also found to be hoaxes.

Past Incidents

Delhi has witnessed similar incidents in the past, targeting schools, airports, and other public areas.

Potential Motives Behind Hoax Threats

Attention Seeking

Some perpetrators may seek notoriety or a thrill by causing panic and disruption.

Disrupting Public Services

These threats can disrupt operations of vital services like hospitals, leading to inconvenience and chaos.

Copycat Effect

Previous incidents of hoax threats may inspire copycats, further amplifying the issue.

Importance of Public Awareness

Remaining Calm

In the event of a bomb threat, it’s crucial to stay calm and follow instructions from authorities.

Reporting Suspicious Activity

If you receive a suspicious email or witness suspicious activity, report it immediately to the police.

Verifying Information

Avoid spreading unverified information on social media, which can contribute to panic.


The May 14th bomb threats serve as a reminder of the ongoing issue of hoax threats aimed at public spaces. While these threats ultimately caused no physical harm, they disrupt services, create panic, and highlight the need for increased vigilance. Public awareness and cooperation with authorities are crucial in effectively addressing such incidents.


This information is based on news reports available as of May 15, 2024. Further details or updates regarding the investigation may emerge in the coming days.

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